Welcome To Rebuild Custom !

Market Event

Our Journey

Welcome to Rebuild Custom. Here we thought we would explain a little bit about our journey, aims and goals.

Our journey started in January 2019, when Jay (me) whilst living in Cambodia decided to challenge myself to build a business from scratch that can grow with the aim of helping to change the world for the better.

Although this is a rather large task for a single guy to take on, I welcomed the challenge with open arms and started work straight away.

I have always loved building things using repurposed materials. There is no better way to build a business than to use this passion to show people that everything has a use even if it was not originally designed for it.

Our Aims & Goals

With the world changing at an immense speed, people have began to replace instead of repair leading to a lot of waste that is unnecessary.

Our aim at Rebuild Custom is to show people that everything has a use regardless if it wasn’t initially intended for that use.

I love to encourage people to come and have a chat in the workshop regardless if you’re buying a piece or not.  We can work on a personalized build design specifically for you or just chat about a build you’ve got going on at home.

Each day in the Rebuild workshop is completely different to the last.  I could be using an old green house frame to build beautiful rose’s one day, and the next I could be sandblasting an engine block ready for a coffee table.

I was once told a quote that I still use to this day in both business and my personal life. How to turn a dream into reality.

A dream with a date is goal,
A goal broken down into steps is a plan,
A plan with action becomes reality.

Dream bigger.

Let your imagination go wild and see what magical pieces of art you can produce while helping to change the world in your own little way.